When I think about my life, my hobbies, my passions I am not at all surprised that they're the same or very similar to those of my best mate Harvey, my Dad.

Having always had a strong relationship it's clear to me that he has been a significant influence on the man, occasionally still boy, that I am today. 

We both love our food, wine, art, travel, horse racing, and the mighty Essendon football club.....the list goes on. Maybe this is a coincidence? Nope....I am positive that it's because sharing these passions has given me more reasons to spend time with the old boy. 

He worked long hours and very hard in my early years to provide the best opportunities for my two sisters and I, so the memories of our relationship during my early childhood years are not so clear, however I will always remember the annual family holidays and weekends at the beach, and judging by the hundreds of photos documenting my youth I know that I was a happy kid with a great relationship with my Dad. 

My best mate has always been supportive and encouraging and not pressured me into being something I am not. This has enabled me to experience life and to make my own choices, my own mistakes. He has however still been there to tell me to pull my head in when I've needed it, which is what mates do. Thanks Dad.

I always admired the strength of my Dads relationship with his Dad and can only hope that this positive trend continues in my family for future generations. If I have a son I hope that he will consider me his mate. 

~ Rob


